Press Releases

SBAS Statement on SCOTUS ruling on Students for Fair Admissions, Inc., against Harvard College and the University of North Carolina

Society of Black Academic Surgeons SCOTUS Statement

“Excellence in performance will transcend artificial barriers created by man.”
– Dr. Charles R. Drew

Health care inequities based on race and ethnicity are artificial barriers to receiving excellent surgical care. The Society of Black Academic Surgeons (SBAS) is committed to our mission of improving health, advancing science, and fostering the careers of Black and other ethnically underrepresented in medicine (URiM) surgeons because building an excellent surgical workforce that reflects our country’s diverse backgrounds and perspectives helps transcend artificial barriers to care.

We believe that the recent Supreme Court decisions in the two cases brought by Students for Fair Admissions, Inc., against Harvard College and the University of North Carolina are a significant setback for equity and justice in our society. As racial and ethnic health inequities persist, the number of Black and other URiM remains stagnant and the number of Black men in medicine and surgery is decreasing. The Court’s decisions may signal a new legal interpretation, but SBAS’ core values will not change. The rulings have made SBAS more resolute and unwavering in our commitment to future generations in surgery through principles of mentorship, sponsorship, and inclusive excellence.


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