News Archive

Submit your manuscript to the American Journal of Surgery!

Did you present your research at the SBAS 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting?

Submit your manuscript to the American Journal of Surgery!
The deadline for submission is March 1, 2023!

Please email any questions to … Read More »

SBAS Members on the Move

Frederick D. Cason, MD, FACS, Orlando Kirton, M.D., Terry Fullum, M.D., Selwyn M. Vickers, M.D. … Read More »

Death of Dr. John Cordice

It was after a long day in the operating room and clinic that I settled at my desk to read my email when I learned of the death of a great friend, mentor, and hero—John W. V. Cordice, MD, FACS. Though he was 95 years of age the news came as a surprise because of my recent conversation with him by phone from New York (he had called me) and the absence of any immediately life-threatening condition at the time. … Read More »

SBAS Tribute

Our colleague, Keith Amos, passed away, suddenly, on June 17, 2013 in Edinburgh, Scotland, while on a Dr. Claude Organ, Jr. Travel Award from the American College of Surgeons. Keith was a treasured member of the academic surgical community. His colleagues and, especially, his patients, to whom he was truly dedicated, will sorely miss him. He was a caring doctor, an avid researcher, an engaged collaborator, and just, simply, a terrific human being. Although his time with us was brief, Keith has provided a legacy of excellence that will live in all of us who had the fortune of knowing him. … Read More »